Friday, July 4, 2008

Sen John Warner wants to lower speed limit!

Senator John Warner wants to help with gas prices by lowering the national speed limit!
What a surprise! A republican senator wants to solve the gas price problem by creating a law that will only end up with us paying 10 times more ........ ON SPEEDING TICKETS. This is the typical narrow minded thinking from an old white male republican dinosaur.

Let's try to be innovative in our thinking like forcing the oil companies to develop alternative energy now and push Detroit Companies for electric cars now, push for becoming free from the use of oil for the sake of the environment. Also if we wake up and realize what we are doing to the environment we should all denounce the suggestion to drill for MORE oil. This is something that would only benefit those with a financial interest in oil..... like Bush!

I for one, will no longer be driver any gas powered vehicle, and I will do everything in my power to not support the oil companies again. We only have ONE earth and we are destroying it for the sake of corporate gain as the icebergs melt. What a crime!

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