Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sports: the perfect anesthetic

So today it's the All-Star game presented by Major League Baseball. Strangely, the disparity of social-economic status that exists in the U.S. is well represented at any game.

The U.S. has gone sports (and entertainment) crazy. I know about this first hand being a dedicated sports fan myself. I have memories of great sports moments to last a life time. These magic moments are said to be priceless and no doubt they are, but let’s take a closer look:

As the U.S. economy gets worse the athletes of today and their agents are demanding higher salaries. The player unions are stronger than ever and there is no end to the greed and the quest for “fair pay”. NFL players are holding out of training camp with regularity due to salary disputes. The NFL, MLB and NBA are guilty of outsourcing games to other countries and ticket prices are at an all time high.

Americans are anesthetized with sports and they know that no matter how bad things are you can always tune out for a few hours and watch you favorite team. Let’s forget that many of our favorite players are making millions and are unhappy because they want more. Let’s forget all the hold-out players in the NFL who refuse to play unless they get paid more. The disparity between the fans and players has never been more pronounced.

I have a dream that some day the little fans will stand up for themselves. I have a dream that some day the fans will be represented at the bargaining table. The fans will be the neutralizing force to save the sports from their own greed. To make this happen the fans need a body to represent their interest. Dream with me for a minute and ask yourself, what if fans got together and went on strike. What if fans demanded back the “double-header” or lower ticket prices? For now reality dictates that the will of the fans will always come last; and even on this baseball All-star Tuesday many fans will forget that the economy is broken, Budweiser just sold out to a Belgium company, the dollar is at an all time low, gas prices are at an all time high and there is no end in sight. While you are cheering for your favorite player you might remember that things are not so good, not for the poor folks sitting in the stands who have to get up early to go to work the next day. To you I say: how does feel like to be last? Or maybe you’ll tune me out….

Saturday, July 5, 2008


What exactly is Patriotism?
This is a provocative question posed to me this weekend. Is it a feeling, an act or both? Let's examine it closely. Patriotism assumes that we have borders to defend, that we have justifiable enemies. Patriotism assumes that "we are the good guys", it assumes we've done the right thing.

Patriotism assumes that if we are the good guys, well then the other country must be the bad guys. We have the "forces" and they have the "terrorists or militias" ask yourself, which one sounds better? We have the "operations" and they have the "bombings or terrorism" ... again ask yourself, which one sounds better? Would you rather be a "Soldier, Marine, 'contracted security guard', an Officer or would you rather to be an 'insurgent' or 'terrorist'?

On this July 4th weekend, I ask that we all STOP and think for a minute what exactly does Patriotism mean to you. Patriotism shares many values with Religion and Nationalism in that it assumes boundaries that later justify acts of war. If you can appeal to peoples nationalism, religion or patriotism then you can convince them to do certain things on behalf of their country and religion. These are the roots of war.

It's time to start thinking globally. With the internet and technology age upon us we have an obligation to reach out to all of humanity. The primitive thinking of "us versus them" has to end now. Let's move to another place and realize we all need each other and that our imperialism and our wars have alienated many. We are victims of our own greed and thirst for power. We are a country driven by money and power as we ignore the blood we've shed on other soil and lies our leaders have perpetuated. So on this July 4th weekend I'll hold off on my blind "we are the good guys" celebration and tears. I would rather celebrate the independence of the world from the U.S. imperialism. The world would like to see a "COMPASSIONATE" leadership, if any. And the U.S. doesn't see any MONEY that can be made with compassion. Wars make money not compassion, understanding and negotiating.

So in towns all over the U.S. we have a weekend to party, relax and enjoy barbecues with family and friends. Most will see it as just another weekend to have fun. They won't stop to think about who we are and what we've done. It's no coincident to me that this holiday is symbolized by fireworks; not by hugs or kisses, not by silence or music but the symbols of explosives, and rockets. Explosives were created to kill people but we've given it a different face. We've given explosives a happy side to it. Just like all the wars are portrayed in our history books.

God Bless America today and may God Bless the world including all of our "enemies". May we find a common ground to help one another. May we have the strength to induce change in this broken country to take care of our own first and then to reach out to others in need.
Cheers to all!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sen John Warner wants to lower speed limit!

Senator John Warner wants to help with gas prices by lowering the national speed limit!
What a surprise! A republican senator wants to solve the gas price problem by creating a law that will only end up with us paying 10 times more ........ ON SPEEDING TICKETS. This is the typical narrow minded thinking from an old white male republican dinosaur.

Let's try to be innovative in our thinking like forcing the oil companies to develop alternative energy now and push Detroit Companies for electric cars now, push for becoming free from the use of oil for the sake of the environment. Also if we wake up and realize what we are doing to the environment we should all denounce the suggestion to drill for MORE oil. This is something that would only benefit those with a financial interest in oil..... like Bush!

I for one, will no longer be driver any gas powered vehicle, and I will do everything in my power to not support the oil companies again. We only have ONE earth and we are destroying it for the sake of corporate gain as the icebergs melt. What a crime!