So today it's the All-Star game presented by Major League Baseball. Strangely, the disparity of social-economic status that exists in the
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Americans are anesthetized with sports and they know that no matter how bad things are you can always tune out for a few hours and watch you favorite team. Let’s forget that many of our favorite players are making millions and are unhappy because they want more. Let’s forget all the hold-out players in the NFL who refuse to play unless they get paid more. The disparity between the fans and players has never been more pronounced.
I have a dream that some day the little fans will stand up for themselves. I have a dream that some day the fans will be represented at the bargaining table. The fans will be the neutralizing force to save the sports from their own greed. To make this happen the fans need a body to represent their interest. Dream with me for a minute and ask yourself, what if fans got together and went on strike. What if fans demanded back the “double-header” or lower ticket prices? For now reality dictates that the will of the fans will always come last; and even on this baseball All-star Tuesday many fans will forget that the economy is broken, Budweiser just sold out to a Belgium company, the dollar is at an all time low, gas prices are at an all time high and there is no end in sight. While you are cheering for your favorite player you might remember that things are not so good, not for the poor folks sitting in the stands who have to get up early to go to work the next day. To you I say: how does feel like to be last? Or maybe you’ll tune me out….
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